Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Dress Up Day Parade :)

Weekend at Club Kay was super fun. We managed to stay on a constant high because of our lovely customers. They didn't tire of trying out our stuff. Needless to say, we got more and more energised on seeing how our clothes could transform people. Little girls turned into divas and young moms turned into show stoppers. And the Club Kay team was ecstatic. Coz dressing up people, giving them new looks and tranforming them is what we are all about.

Tut. Tut. Stop the talk and show us the action, you say. We hear you. Look out for some cool pics of our sporting customers. Tell us what you think of our clothes. But be gentle on our photographic skills and our backdrops. We are after all just born. We need to make a little more money before we can give you glossy catalogues and scenic settings:):) But if you really feel bad for us, you are welcome to sponsor a shoot(hehe).

I think, therefore I am

We enjoyed creating this ultra chic uber cool look. The model is wearing a dark green striped top with a naughty bow on the hemline.

Wear it over tights with hair in a loose bun, hoops on ears and a huge bag as accesory, and this look grabs all the attention effortlessly.

"Polka dots and moonbeams all around a pug-nosed dream"

"Polka dots and moonbeams all around a pug-nosed dream", lyrics from John Denver's "Polka Dots and Moonbeams" were our inspiration for this navy blue top with silver sequins and pretty frills on the yoke. If you wanna know, how we managed to pull off the pug nose too, well... we just got lucky:):)

Party Purple

The lovely lady is  wearing a deep purple ethnic kurti with gold tissue on the yoke, sleeves and hemline.

The stark purple is offset by the dull gold yoke and the effect is stunning.

Funky Dory

Our college kid turned model is wearing a beige checked see-through jacket over a majenta floral spaghetti top. Aint she funky?:)

Chocolate n Cream can never be plain vanilla:)

Beige Cotton collared full sleeved shirt with chocolate brown mirror trim paired with jeans-- comfy smart casuals that spell class.
Pair it with brown linen trousers for the uber formal indowestern chic look.

Fun With Jackets

Red blouse over faded blue jeans and black open jacket with single button gave the lady a smart n svelte look. Back home, her folks did not recognise her in this look:)

Don't Mess With Me

After the initial trepidation, our kiddo's attitude improved by leaps and bounds(thanks to our clothes, thanks to our clothes:P)

Wearing this bottle green polka dotted tunic with balloon sleeves(one of our favorites)  and black leggings, she gives sass a new meaning.

Green Show Stopper!!

And here's our Santoor mom turned show stopper.
Walks in wearing a demure salwar kameez, hair braided and looking like a traditional south indian woman
She tried out our bottle green satin top with a silk shrug and look what happened to her.

Oooooooooh. We just can't get over this!!

Elegance in grey

Helloooooo,here's our college kid who walked in all ready to experiment. Wearing a tee and tracks she looked boyish and gawky. We had just the right piece for her.
When she tried out our silver grey top she transformed into a feminine and classy young lady. She sure is gonna break a few hearts.
The top is an a-line silver grey short top and can be teamed with leggings

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

And the Winner is....

Mirium Mathews (clap clap clap!!!). She bags the prize for The Best Dressed Shopper of the Day
(remember we had a contest on our launch day?) While most of you (read Madhu, Shraddha, Sudakshana, Priya, Leela) were smartly turned out, we wanted to reward originality and Mirium scored tops on that.

What Mirium wore:
Mirium had worn a bottle green balloon top over black tight tees and skinny fit jeans. She had gone light on the earrings (wise thing to do) and added wide rimmed coolers which are oh-so-in right now. Hair falling on her shoulders, she fit in fabulously as our CHIC Winner:))

And now for some more prizes.
What?? More prizes?
Yes, Club Kay is an extremely generous brand:):). We just love it when you dress well and we can't stop showing it.

So the prize for ATTITUDE goes to ...Bharathi Balakrishnan (clap.clap. clap)

Bharathi wore a baby pink sleeveless top over blue jeans. Silver flat sandals and a huge tote bag added up to complete the "carefully careless" look. But what we lovvvved even more was her attitude. No look is complete without attitude and Bharathi had loads of it. Congratulations! 

Little Shreya Raghavan is our other winner (clap. clap.clap).

Shreya wore a white low cut loose kurti over pink ankle length leggings. Kurti on leggings is a super cool idea kiddo. Pink spaghetti inside completed the cool as a cucumber look. Shreya could have avoided the pink crocs on her feet.  Ballet shoes would have been the right choice. Still we liked her spunk in trying out this combi. Congratulations Shreya.

And the prizes ?

Coming soon!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Black, white and red. What better colours than these to make a statement. Pair this with black leggings for work and red leggings to a party.

Five purple polka dots...

Five purple polka dots sitting on the floor,

one crawled away and then there were four.

Four purple polka dots got up on their knees,
one tipped over and then there were three.

Three purple polka dots stood on one shoe,
one fell down and there there were two.

Two purple polka dots started to run,
one stopped quickly and then there was one.

One purple polka dot rolled out the door,
when it disappeared there were no more.

Our polka dotted collections have been disappearing from our shelves faster than the purple dots in the rhyme.

Do you own a polka dotted Club Kay?

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The model is wearing one of our favourites. The kurti is made with white sheer self embossed brasso. The neck and sleeves are highlighted with blue satin and trimmed with lace. Team it with jeans or leggings and elegant jewelery and you are ready to make heads turn!!
Green striped shirt. With puff sleeves and boat neck, this shirt can be paired with white or black trousers for a cool formal look.

Happy Birthday Club Kay

Our launch day was awesome. Thanks to you cool customers for making it a super success. Your feedback is precious. While most of you showered praise on us( whoa...we promise not to let it get to our head) some of you shared valuable feedback too. We've taken special note of comments on pricing. Ahem!!! Club Kay is just born. We need your support to make us walk and take off. Stick with us and we'll rock the town together:)

P.S Special thanks to all Club Kay Patrons for showcasing all our beta creations and holding our hands through all our little goof ups before take off!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Debut Exhibition

Tomorrow is the D day!!:)